It is an evergreen perennial forming rosettes of dark green, spoon-shaped leaves, with small, solitary, yellow-centred, pink-tinged, white daisies in late spring and summer
English daisy bears stems topped with a single white, daisy-like flower. The flowers are tinged maroon and yellow; but cultivars are available with single, semi-double, or double button flowers in shades of white, pink, salmon, and ruby. The plant s smooth, spoon-shaped leaves form neat rosettes. This carpeting perennial is often grown as a biennial. Its many cultivars are used for bedding out or container displays.
Bellis are perennials forming a rosette of spoon-shaped leaves, with daisy-like flower-heads, often double in cultivars, from early spring to late summer
Water during the summer only if rainfall is less than 1 inch per week.
After the first killing frost, cut stems back to an inch or two above the soil line.
Every spring, apply some compost and mulch to help control weeds.
Every 3 to 4 years, divide perennials again in early spring or late summer.
The flowers and leaves can be used fresh in decoctions, ointments and poultices for treating wounds and also boils.
A mild decoction of the flowers may ease complaints of the respiratory tract, including coughs.
An ointment made from the leaves can be applied externally to wounds and bruises.