Don't Be Mean, Just Go Green.
Kanyakumari | Nagercoil | Chennai
Mon-Sun: 08 AM - 06 PM

Amla is a small to the medium-sized deciduous tree, which is known for its edible fruit of the same name. The tree has a crooked trunk and spreading branches. The leaves are simple, nearly stalkless and closely set along slender branchlets.

The leaves are often mistaken for leaflets of pinnate leaves. Amla flowers are small, greenish-yellow or pinkish. The flowers have six segments, but no real petals. The fruit is nearly spherical, light greenish yellow, quite smooth and hard on appearance, with 6 vertical stripes or furrows.

Ripening in autumn, the berries are harvested by hand after climbing to upper branches bearing the fruits.


Amla is a subtropical plant and prefers dry subtropical climate. Even mild frost during the winter months can be injurious to the tree. Though it can bear temperature up to 46 C during summer months, the temperature should not be high at the time of flowering.


During summer, the plants should be mulched with paddy or wheat straws.
Drip irrigation yield better results.
Water a plant when the soil feels dry to touch. Water thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering for the winter & rainy season.
You should prune and fertilize a plant mostly in the spring season.

Buy Amla trees in nagercoil Buy Amla plants in kanyakumari
