Codiaeum, which is known as “Crotons” as its common name and it, is a foliage type of plant. The scientific name of this plant is “Codiaeum Variegatum” and it belongs from family of “Euphorbiaceae”. It is a low maintenance indoor houseplant and it is a type of shrub. Leaves of this plant are very colorful and it is very nice for indoors of house.
Croton plant is a well-grown plant and it grows in bright, indirect light. So it needs shade for its well growth and direct sunlight can be damage this plant growth. The color variations of leaves are depending on sunlight. It needs moist soil in Summer and will be dry in Winter. For moist soil, it needs regular watering and well-drained soil. In time of growth period, it must be need water, as it wants like trice or fourth in a week. Croton plant needs for its fast growing temperature above 14°C; cold weather can be spoiling this plant growth. It must be need liquid fertilizer and very small amount of fertilizing needed for this.
Crotons (scientific name for croton: Codiaeum variegatum) are stunning shrubs that grow to be five to six feet tall. The coloration is simply stunning, and it adds an exotic touch to your home or garden. The first time I brought home a croton plant I was thrilled at how it looked in my home, but shortly after the journey home, the plant began to drop its leaves. I was worried that it was being caused by something I did; perhaps I was not caring for the tropical plant properly.
I had always heard that croton plants are extremely resilient tropical plants that can be grown in almost any indoor environment, so what happened to my croton? It turns out that they simply do not like to be moved, and the trip caused the plant to go into shock and drop all of its leaves. This guide is designed to share information about crotons that you may not be aware of and help you care for them properly.