Peace Lily, is a very popular indoor houseplant. It is a clump-growing herbaceous perennial which produces white flowers which look like the hood of a cobra.
Peace Lily, is a very popular indoor houseplant. It is a clump-growing herbaceous perennial which produces white flowers which look like the hood of a cobra. Leaves are shiny and glossy, attractive even with no spathes.
Peace lilies are sturdy plants with glossy, dark green oval leaves that narrow to a point. The leaves rise directly from the soil. The long-lasting flowers start out pale green and slowly turn creamy white as they open.
The soil for the peace lily should be kept moist but not soggy. Let the soil dry between waterings, but do not allow to wilt; this causes the leaves to yellow. When watering, use water that is at room temperature and has been allowed to sit so that the chlorine can evaporate. Plant with an all-purpose potting soil and keep it lightly moist throughout the year. Repotting annually in the spring is good for the lily because it will need refreshed soil.
Peace lilies should be re-potted when the root growth has overfilled the container.
Use a humus rich potting soil to repot the peace lily.
To help the roots to retain soil and prevent the root tearing, re-pot the plant when the soil is somewhat moist.
Keep the soil moist at all times, but do not overwater.
During the winter fertilize every 6 weeks or so.
If you want flowers to appear, but none have, move the plant to a darker room.